Singer 9980 Vs 9985 – Detailed Comparison

A honest comparison between Singer 9980 and 9985. Both are quality performers, but they belong to two different price bands.

Currently there is a huge price gap between Singer 9980 and 9985, which may be the reason why you reached here. I will check out what extras you will get with Singer 9985 in comparison with 9980. Obviously the color difference is the first thing you will notice. 9980 comes in a blue shade, while 9985 comes with a light purple shade. It is not just about color, there are other differences as well, which we will discuss next.

Singer 9980 vs 9985 – Features Comparison

The differences between two models are given below

The Screen : 9980 comes with a simple LCD screen whereas 9985 has a color touch screen. 9985’s screen is larger, which is understandable for a touch interface. All the physical buttons that 9980 had, went into the touch screen of 9985. I don’t think, the input difference is a big enough reason to base your buying decision. It is more of a personal thing, some like touch screens while others like physical buttons.

Built-in Stitches : This is where the key difference lies. 9985 definitely has an advantage with 960 built-in stitches, whereas 9980 has only 820 stitches. The difference is in the number of decorative stitches only. Singer 9985 has 140 extra decorative stitches in comparison with 9980.

Monogramming Fonts : This is another area where 9985 scores. 9985 has 6 fonts for monogramming, whereas 9980 has only 5.

Stitch Memory : Advantage 9985 here as well. Even though Singer 9980 has memory to save stitch combinations, it will get deleted once you turn off the machine (I can’t understand why Singer included such a memory in the first place). 9985’s memory on the other hand will keep the saved stitches or combinations in its memory even when the machine is turned off. You can easily access the stitches once the machine is turned back on, which makes a lot of sense.

That’s it. These are the differences between the two.

Sewing Machine FeaturesSinger 9980Singer 9985
Built-in Stitches820960
LCD Color Touch ScreenNoYes
Sewing AssistanceYesYes
Built-in MemoryYes (Loses when switched off)Yes
Buttonhole Styles13 1-step13 1-step
Automatic Needle ThreaderYesYes
Automatic Thread CutterYesYes
Programmable Needle Up/DownYesYes
Bobbin SystemTop drop-inTop Drop-in
Motor Speed850 stitches/min850 stitches/min
Start/Stop Button & Speed Control SliderYesYes
Alphabets For Monogramming56
Mirror Imaging & Stitch Elongation FunctionYesYes
Presser FeetSnap-onSnap-on
Max Stitch Width7mm7mm
Automatic locking stitch functionYesYes
Electronic Twin Needle SettingsYesYes
Presser Foot SensorYesYes
Automatic ReverseYesYes
Free ArmYesYes
Horizontal ThreadingYesYes
Automatic Bobbin WindingYesYes
Error AlarmYesYes
Adjustable Stitch Length and WidthYesYes
Extra-high Presser Foot LifterYesYes
Drop FeedYesYes
Needle Positions2525
Extra high presser foot lifterYesYes
7-segment feeding system & Box feedYesYes
Included Presser Feet1313
Machine Weight20 lbs20 lbs
Warranty25 year limited warranty25 year limited warranty

Singer 9980 vs 9985 – Performance Comparison

In the performance department, there is very little to choose between the two, as both machines are built on the same platform and motor. The stitch quality of both the machines are top notch. Their performance on multiple layers of thick fabrics is simply outstanding. However the tricky automatic needle threader of 9980 has been carried over to 9985 as well. But it is not a huge thing considering the top quality performance on offer.


Normally on every comparison I do, I will have a clear choice in the end. But in this case, I can’t pick a clear winner. The choice is user dependent. Whether you want the touch screen and additional stitches of 9985 or you want to save some money with the 9980, it is up to you. I think 9985 won’t be a bad deal if it just costs around $50 more than 9980.

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