Janome 7325 vs 7330 – Detailed Comparison

A honest comparison between Janome 7325 and Janome 7330. One is a popular machine, the other not so much. Let us see which one is better.

Janome 7325 and Janome 7330 are two beginner computerized sewing machines. 7330 is very popular among sewers, 7325 not so much. The price gap is also large, with 7330 being the expensive machine. 7325 is a slightly lesser version of 7330 (you can easily make that out from the model number). Let us see which machine offers more value for your hard earned money.

Janome 7325 vs 7330 – Features Comparison

Janome 7325 being the lesser version, is bound to have less features in comparison with 7330. The question is, can you live with what 7325 lacks in features? Let’s find out. First of all, let us see what are the major differences between the two.

Built-in Stitches : This is where the major difference is. Janome 7325 comes with 25 built-in stitches including a 1-step buttonhole. Janome 7330 on the other hand comes with 30 built-in stitches which also includes 6 1-step buttonholes. So if you intend to make a lot of buttonholes, 7330 is the way to go.

LCD Screen : The striking difference between Janome 7325 and Janome 7330 is the LCD screen. 7330 has an LCD screen for stitch selection. Stitch selection and settings adjustments are done by push buttons (it is not a touch screen). The LCD display is not sophisticated, it is just a basic one. 7325 doesn’t have an LCD screen, instead stitches are selected by turning a dial (much like mechanical sewing machines). Stitch width and length are also adjusted using dials. Even though LCD screen is not something important, you have to take one thing into consideration. Janome 7330 comes with a sewing start/stop button which lets you sew without using the foot pedal. 7325 has only foot pedal operation.

Locking Stitch Function : Janome 7330 comes with a locking stitch button with which you can lock the stitch at the beginning and end of the seam. You just need to press the button. Even though you can do this using the reverse sewing button, an option specifically for locking stitches makes things a lot easier. Unfortunately 7325 misses out on this feature.

Reverse Sewing : Janome 7325 has an oversized reverse sewing lever, which is easy to engage. 7330 on the other hand has a button for reverse sewing, which is not the easiest to locate. But it is not a huge thing to be honest.

Feed : The feed system of 7330 is a bit better than that of 7325. 7330 has Janome’s exclusive ‘Superior Feed System’ with 7-piece feed dog. Janome 7325 comes with a normal 5-piece feed dog. I felt 7330 was slightly better in smooth fabric feeding.

Below table gives you an overview of the comparison.

Sewing Machine FeaturesJanome 7325Janome 7330
Built-in Stitches2530
Buttonhole Styles1 1-step6 1-step
Top Drop-in BobbinYesYes
Automatic Needle ThreaderYesYes
Snap-on Presser FeetYesYes
Programmable Needle Up/DownYesYes
Speed Control SliderYesYes
Sewing Start/Stop ButtonNoYes
Locking Stitch ButtonNoYes
Reverse SewingYesYes
Feed Dog5-piece7-piece SFS
Free ArmYesYes
Drop FeedYesYes
Extra High presser Foot LiftYesYes
LCD ScreenNoYes
Stitch SelectionDialsPush Button
Max Stitch Width7mm7mm
Max Stitch Length5mm5mm
Built-in Accessory StorageYesYes
Machine Weight18 pounds18 pounds
Warranty25 Year Limited25 Year Limited

Janome 7325 vs 7330 – Performance Comparison

In terms of performance, there is little difference between them. Of course the extra features of Janome 7330 makes things a little bit easier for you. Both machines are extremely good at sewing multiple layers of denim and other heavy duty fabrics. The stitch quality is very good for both. The better feed mechanism gives 7330 a slight edge in terms of consistency of stitches. Both are sturdy machines which can perform with the same consistency for long hours. The build quality is also excellent.


It mainly comes down to the price. I think an extra $20-$30 on Janome 7330 is reasonable in comparison with 7325. Anything more than that, I think Janome 7325 will be a better deal. When you look at 7325, it has most of the features of 7330, so it won’t be a bad option at all.

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