Janome HD1000 Heavy Duty Sewing Machine Review

One of the most powerful home sewing machines on the market today, the Janome HD 1000 is one of those rare gadgets that combine the best of the old with the best of the new. This heavy duty sewing machine is a throwback to the days when machines were simple to use and built sturdily enough to last for years.

However, unlike the stodgier machines of old, the HD100 comes with plenty of automation and features that give it just enough versatility without making it too complicated to use. Trust Janome to do the impossible and come up with a machine that literally bridges the generation gap between sewers!

Heavy Duty Motor/Lightweight Frame

With its heavy duty motor, sturdy construction and lightweight cast-aluminum frame, this Janome sewing machine is strong enough to stitch through the heaviest fabric without difficulty yet portable enough to carry along with you anywhere you go. Its sturdy construction ensures that you can count on it for years of good, reliable service.

Versatile Stitch Features

The Janome HD1000 comes with 14 stitches, which include utility stitches, stretch stitches and a 4-step buttonholer. The extra height on the presser foot ensures that it can stitch through multiple layers of the thickest material with ease and the additional space at the arm makes it easier to handle large lengths of bulky fabrics. Want to sew thick drapes for the windows or heavy upholstery for the sofas or even heavy duty outdoor canvas tents? No problem at all! Just arm your HD1000 with a number 16 needle and a high-quality strong thread and it will slice through it without a hiccup.

While most functions are manual, the machine will thread the needle for you automatically, which means you never have to struggle with setting it up. Other sew-friendly features include easy-to-adjust thread tension control, free arm sewing for pants, cuffs and collars, drop feed for darning and attaching buttons and double spool holders for twin-needle work.


Accessories include hemmer foot, hem guide, zipper foot, buttonhole foot and other sewing necessities such as seam and buttonhole rippers, extra needles and bobbins and two screwdrivers.

What Reviewers Have to Say

All reviewers rave about the powerhouse qualities of their Janome HD1000 with one reviewer reporting that this machine easily banged though several layers of denim when sewing patches on the ribbed portion of a heavy denim jacket.


The Janome HD1000 is powerful enough to quality as heavy-duty yet light enough to be taken on the go. It has all the features you would look for in a heavy duty sewing machine and the quality of the construction is unrivaled.


What comes closest to being called a con is that it does not have any fancy electronics and it cannot be used to sew delicate fabrics but then, the machine is marketed as a simple, heavy duty machine so there’s really no cause for complaint.

In Conclusion

A very impressive sewing machine if you are looking for a well constructed, simple-to-use yet powerful machine that will handle all your heavy duty projects. If your sewing consists mainly of lace and tricot, the Janome HD1000 machine is not for you.

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