Know your Sewing Threads

Your guide to Sewing Machine Threads

There are so many sewing threads available & knowing which ones to choose can be confusing. There are specialist threads designed for special tasks, such as machine embroidery or quilting. Threads also vary in fibre content , from pure cotton to rayon to polyester. Some sewing threads are very fine fine while others are thick and coarse. Choosing the wrong sewing thread can spoil your project and lead to problems with the stitch quality of the sewing machine or overlocker.

Pure Cotton Thread

A 100% cotton thread. Smooth & durable thread, that easily adjusts to fabric for shrinkage, it is an easy care thread and has a soft sheen finish. Designed to be used with cotton fabrics and is much favoured by quilters.

Top Stitching Thread

A thicker polyester thread with a high lustre, ideal for bold decorative top-stitching & button-holes. Also for hand sewing buttons on thicker fabrics & some soft furnishing. A larger eyed sewing needle is usually required to accommodate the thicker thread.

All-Purpose Polyester  Thread

A synthetically produced thread from polymer resins, a all- purpose polyester thread that’s strong with a very slight give, making it suitable to sew all types of fabrics and garments, as well as a soft furnishings. It won’t fade or shrink when washed, and can be made with a matt through to a high sheen silk like finish, making this the most popular type of thread.

Silk Thread

A sewing thread made from 100% silk. It has the strength of polyester, stability of cotton and a distinctive sheen. Used for machining delicate silk garments. It is also used for tacking or temporary stitching in areas that are to be pressed, such as jacket collars as they can be removed without leaving an mark.

Elastic Thread

A thin, round elastic thread with a matt appearance, this sewing thread is used in creating gather effects such as shirring on light fabrics. The elastic thread should be wound by hand on to the bobbin, instead of the usual machine winding.

Overlocker Thread

Overlocker sewing threads, are dull yarns, often smooth, soft and semi translucent look. Designed specifically to be used on the overlocker, this type of yarn is not strong enough to use on a sewing machine.

Metallic Thread

A rayon core twisted and bonded with a fine metallic foil, giving an exceptionally smooth, strong and pliable thread, used in decorative machining and machine embroidery. It must be completely unwound to be used and usually requires a specialist metallic sewing machine needle.

Embroidery Thread

Often made from a rayon yarn a cellulose fibre, it was originally developed as a cheap alternative to silk and therefore has a very good sheen. Durability is poor, especially when wet, dry cleaning is recommended. This finer thread is designed for machine embroidery.




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